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Our difference comes from our operational excellence.


So often out of hard times, good things can grow. This crisis is forcing us to stop and ask what the new reality might be. The need to transform and adapt to a new world is vital for all of us.

Our founders Franck Mourge and Simon Enstone had seen so often that in responding to change it wasn’t necessarily business strategy that caused the challenges, the real pain point was in the delivery.

Business executives would say ‘We understand what we need to do, but how are we actually going to make it happen, and how do we ensure our people embrace it and believe it too?’

So, Franck and Simon looked at the work landscape and noted that a group of ex-colleagues from across the Automotive and Manufacturing sector where now independent consultants. All of them had differing expertise, from:

1. Industrial expertise, program & cost management

2. Strategic planning & business model innovation

3. Product & service innovation

The mix was diverse, but there was one key skill that defined us all. Operational Delivery – in short, we all came from the same culture of a Japanese manufacturer, that got things done. And this is how Comutiq was born.

People may question whether launching a new business in the depths of crisis is foolhardy. But as a team, our experience is built on understanding problems and turning them into deliverable solutions (in which we stay with you until the job is delivered) that could help more people now. As crisis plans are in place but the planning for how we move beyond crisis is not yet clear, we can help get you get started.

The mix was diverse, but there was one key skill that defined us all. Operational Delivery – in short, we all came from the same culture of a Japanese manufacturer, that got things done. And this is how Comutiq was born. stic and useful set of tools, to help you start planning for the better times ahead.

Helen Neal

About the author: Helen Neal is an Associate Consultant at Comutiq. Helen provides communications and employee engagement expertise to global businesses including Nissan, Bosch, Heineken and Aston Martin

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